Classroom Management Songs and Chants

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

I posted about these songs about a year ago on my Instagram feed and so many of you asked if I would be putting these in my TPT shop to sell.  At the time, we had only written three, and I just didn't feel like that was enough to make a whole resource with.  Since then, I have been working on writing new transition songs that are sung to some of our kids' favorite tunes!  Singing CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SONGS AND CHANTS during transitions makes moving from one thing or place to another almost seamless.  Songs and chants keep students engaged, focused, and excited to learn, which in turn will save valuable instruction time.  It also helps eliminate unwanted behaviors by giving your students the structure, consistency, and support they need.

Most of the songs included are parodies of popular songs most kids will know.  The words have been changed to help students transition in a positive manner.  

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

I printed the songs on cardstock and laminated them.  I used a binder ring to attach the set together to hang on my board for easy access.  There are also three different color options included. :)

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

Let's go through a little breakdown of when and why we sing each of these songs:

The Carpet: We sing this when it's time to transition to the carpet.  I start they song, they join in.  They have to be on the carpet in their assigned spots by the end of the song.  Works like a charm every single time!  I even added in some little hand motions that end the song with their hands in their laps.

All I Do Is Freeze:  We mostly use this when students are working in groups or with a partner.  Sometimes, I need them to stop what they are doing, so that I can give them a direction or clear something up.  It's a great way to get their attention!

Clean Up Chant:  This one is pretty self-explanatory.  I do not instruct them when it's time to clean up; I just start the chant.  You may want to add a timer to it afterwards if you need them cleaned up in a certain amount of time.

Let's Line Up:  Will kids ever get over Frozen?  Probably not.  If yours are still obsessed, too, they will love this line up chant.  It gets them lined up quickly and without distractions, which saves so much time!

Back to My Seat:  We sing this when we transition from the carpet to their seats.  We usually sing it a couple of times to give them plenty of time to make it to their seats.  It's a really quick song!

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

Partner Up:  This song probably takes the most practice.  Anytime you need students to get with their partner, you can sing this song.  It also reminds them what to do when they are with their partner.

Learning Math is Awesome:  Sing this song to signal that it's time to begin math.  I can guarantee it will get stuck in your head afterwards.  Sorry.

We Can't Stop Reading:  This song can be used to kick off your reading block each day.  It gets them excited about books and where those stories will take them!

Quiet Time:  I may or may not have sung this one the most.  It works so well!  I sing it in a calm, quiet voice, in which students will mirror.  It immediately calms the room.  Sing it a couple of times if needed!

See!: I had to incorporate some Taylor Swift in these songs.  We want students to be proud to share their thinking and comfortable talking with a partner.  We also want their partners to be respectful and value what they are saying.  This song is great to sing before students share with a partner or to close out a lesson by sharing what they learned or took away from the lesson.

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

I just added some NEW songs!!!

Like It Was: This is another clean up song.  You could sing this one at the end of centers.  It's really good about reminding students to put everything back in its place.

Good For You:  This is a song that you can sing as a class to celebrate someone!  Maybe someone had a really great idea or accomplished something amazing, you can sing this to pump them up!

We're Amazing:  I am all about incorporating mindfulness into our day, so I knew I needed to create a song that encompassed that.  This is another one that is going to take some practice to get down, but you can always display it as you sing.

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

Some of the songs might take lots of practice to get down!  But don't give up!  After you sing it over and over, you will eventually get it.  You will sing them to the tune of the chorus from the songs.  I have added links to the actual songs in the PDFs.  You just click the blue arrow at the bottom of the page.  Always check these first NOT in the presence of students.  I have gone through them to make sure they are safe, but you never know when things can change. 

A few of these parodies are straight from my students.  I asked them what songs they wanted me to write transition songs for, and these are what we came up with.  This group in particular had difficulty this year with transitions because they were all best of friends and LOVED to talk, which in turn got them distracted.  I LOVED that about them, but we were losing valuable time trying to get refocused.  Once I introduced a song or chant for them to do while transitioning, the difference was crazy!  It keeps your learning environment positive, too, which is super important.

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!

You can check out the resource by clicking HERE or on any of the images in the post.  Let me know how your students do with these songs or if you need another song added!  I love your feedback!  Happy transitioning!

These songs and chants are a perfect classroom management tool for your kindergarten or elementary school classroom! These classroom management songs and chants are a simple way to keep students engaged, focused, and ready to learn!


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