One of the best ways to build community and establish a desired culture in the classroom at the beginning of the year, in my opinion, is by using picture books. I was very intentional about the books I chose for my second graders. I wanted texts that promoted inclusion, diversity, and a growth mindset. There are so many picture books out there that achieve these goals, but I narrowed it down to these five. These are the books that I use for my interactive read aloud block, so I will also share the engaging activities that I use with each read aloud below!
The Day You Begin is the read aloud for the first full week of school. I wanted the activities to be focused on the start of school, rather than the standards. I like to ease into the year and also teach our read aloud procedures with that first text. This book is about a girl's first day of school and the emotions that come with beginning something new. We also discuss how we can be good friends this year to others during this read aloud.
If you've never used my interactive read aloud plans before, I always include five days of scripted lesson, plans, vocabulary cards, text-dependent sticky note questions, response to reading activities, a mentor sentence, anchor charts, and posters for reading strategies and skills.
These are the activities that we do after the read aloud each day. I have them share with a partner after each one, so that students can get to know one another a little better.
I absolutely LOVE Jory John's books! I pair together The Bad Seed and The Good Egg for week two. These are great texts for describing characters and how they respond to challenges, as well as comparing and contrasting.
This craft and directed drawing are super fun and look way cute on a bulletin board.
Each Kindness is a sad story, but it shares a very powerful message of kindness and inclusion.
We dive into recounting a story's major events, as well as describing the central message, lesson, or moral of the story.
We then apply that lesson to our own lives by describing ways that we can spread kindness into the world.
The last week of August is all about The Name Jar. This book is about a little girl from South Korea who is ashamed of her name given to her by her family. It's different from those of the children in her American classroom, and she learns to be proud of her name and her culture.
I use this story to teach students how to identify the major events of a story and how to summarize those major events. We make this sweet Name Jar craft that includes the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
August is so busy with ALL THE THINGS that come with this back to school season, so I wanted to make this part of your day easy to prepare for and fun to teach. It also includes Google Slides TM to guide your lessons, which are a LIFESAVER! If you want your whole month's read aloud plans done for you, click below to grab these activities! Thank you for reading!
Thanks for sharing ideas for read alouds for the beginning of the year! Great ideas! I will add these to my list for August and September. My favorites for the beginning of the year include No David! and Chrysanthemum.
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