Asking questions is such a tough concept for first graders. It takes lots of practice, even though they are used to asking questions so much in the real world. The story This is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen is a great interactive read aloud text for asking and answering questions within a fictional text. The reader is left with so many questions due to the way the story is written. We practice, with lots of modeling from me, asking and answering questions before, during, and after reading. We focus on day one discussing what a question is and what the common question words are with this poster below. You will also find links to a couple of our favorite videos that we use to learn about questions.
This Is Not My Hat Google Slides TM
This Is Not My Hat Interactive Read Aloud
After establishing what questions are, we look at the cover of the book. I have the below anchor chart displayed and the students have their own copy with them on clipboards on the carpet. We create questions that we have have about the book before reading. I only require them to write one down, but they are more than welcome to extend their learning by creating more. I record all of their questions on my anchor chart for later.
I go into more detail within the print and go lesson plans on how to model and when to stop at specific points during the read aloud to model asking questions or answering questions for all five days of the week. I print the questions on these sticky notes for easy reference for myself while reading the text.
These are the vocabulary words that we cover during the week. The
digital version of the interactive read aloud includes vocabulary cards with the word, a kid-friendly definition, a sentence, an illustration, and a simple task each day for students to complete for application of the vocabulary word.
As we continue reading the story on day one, I stop during the problem of the story and have students create questions they may now have. We then read the rests of the story and create any remaining questions we still have after reading the story. I take them up and save them for the following day to practice answering those questions.
As we go through the week, we also cover making text-to-self connections and describing the main characters in the text for their daily independent tasks. By Friday, they are read for the culminating task and assessment. The culminating task for this story is to write a letter to Little Fish explaining what is thought of the choice made in the story and a question they wish to ask Little Fish. I have included a scoring rubric to attach to the task for parents and for the students to understand their score.
Crafts always help students remember a specific skill or strategy so we made these question kids. You can have them write questions they have while reading a different text that you might add to the text set for this story.
Finally, we work on a mentor sentence throughout the week identifying different parts of the sentence. The sentence always comes from the text to tie the two subjects together.

All of my Interactive Read Aloud Lessons have been or are being converted into
digital lessons for your distance learners or to use in your own classroom for instruction. They are included in the monthly bundle or you can purchase them separately. There are five days of lessons that include an agenda, a brain warmup video, learning goal, success criteria, learning posters, vocabulary cards, anchor chart, read aloud slide with text dependent questions, an independent task, exit ticket, wrap it up, and a self assessment slide. The independent task, exit ticket, and self assessment slides are all editable for students. You can assign these slides to students, and they can submit these to you for feedback. These are also the slides I have used in my classroom for years that have guided my instruction and have helped me ensure I have great observation scores from admin. ;)

Asking and answering questions is one of my favorite strategies to teach, and this book is one of my favorites for teaching it. The deep discussions my students have had from this text were amazing to listen to from first graders. The questions you provide students will definitely promote higher order thinking in your classroom. You can click any of the images in the post or click below to check the resources out. Thanks for stopping by!
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