Interactive Read Aloud Lessons for second grade are finally here! I wanted to get comfortable being back in second grade again, as well as find a way to share these in a way that would be more beneficial to you and your students. We have to follow a curriculum guide at our school, which doesn't necessarily match what you are required to do at your school, so I found a solution that will hopefully work best.
I will be releasing each IRA by the focus standard. Each week has a focus standard that is practiced throughout the week. Of course, you will be hitting other standards through the questioning during the actual read aloud.
First up is Balloons Over Broadway, covering RI 2.3 and 2.RI.KID.3 if you are in Tennessee.
RI 2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
2.RI.KID.3 Describe the connections between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in a process in a text.
I have included posters for reference covering each component of the standard. In this IRA, we only hit historical events and steps in a process. I will create a different IRA for scientific ideas. I felt it was too much to cover in one week. Plus, this text really lent itself well to the other two.
You also get an anchor chart for teaching the focus standard of the week. I include instructions for printing them as posters on a regular printer.
There are vocabulary cards for each word that include the word, picture, definition, and a sentence. You will also find the routine I use to teach vocabulary.
There is a scripted lesson plan for each day of the five-day unit. I include a mini-lesson, pages to be read, questions to ask during the read aloud, directions for the daily task, and an exit ticket. I would also show my students some video clips of the parade to build some background knowledge for those who have never watched. You might also think that your students will get tired of reading the same book all week, but they really don't. I have found that my students fall more in love with the book the more we read it! You also don't read the whole book each day. You only read the pages necessary for the daily task.
I always print my text dependent questions on sticky notes (template included).
Each day has a daily written task for practice with describing connections. On day one, students write about the steps in the process of creating one of the inventions from the text. It's very straightforward and a great start for students with this standard. On day two, we look for cause and effect relationships which are great for discussing connections. They will write about it in a Macy's Holiday Window activity. On days three and four, students will list historical events from the text and describe how they are connected.
On day five, students will design their own parade balloon and list the steps in the process for building their balloon. They will add it to the cityscape template above.
We also do a mentor sentence each week from the text that ties to our language standards that we have already covered. This is a great way to integrate grammar and students love making the connections!
Click any of the pics to check out this resource. You can also find a link to the November Bundle below with all of this month's read aloud lessons. As always, thank you so much for reading and supporting my shop!!! Love you all!
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