So, while browsing around on Pinterest the other day, I stumbled upon this AMAZING pin.
I have heard of whole brain teaching, but I didn't know a whole lot about it. This teacher incorporates some pretty wonderful strategies in her lessons. It is all about engaging students in as many ways as possible. I watched all of this teacher's videos and was very impressed! I encourage you all to check it out if you're like me and was not real familiar with it.
I also went on the website, which was very informative. You can create a free account and get some free eBooks about whole brain teaching. Click *{HERE}* to go to the site.
If you use whole brain teaching in your classroom, let me know how you feel about it. I think I am going to incorporate it this year. I already use some of those strategies, but I love how well managed these classes are! Happy whole brain teaching!!!
Thank you for sharing these resources. I've heard a lot about this since joining "blogging world," and I've wanted to look into it more.
Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans
That teacher is amazing! Every time I watch her videos, I feel bad about myself... haha!
ReplyDeleteMarvelous Multiagers!
Wow, this is amazing!! I want to be like her. Thank you for posting this. How do we learn to do this? I'll check the website for sure.
I use parts of Whole Brain Teaching and I love it. Some of it is difficult for me to incorporate since I have to teach certain 'scripted' programs, but I try to squeeze it in as often as I can (math, science and social studies.) It has worked well with most of my students. Two years ago, I had a very violent, abused child and, needless to say, he REALLY didn't like WBT. Soooo, I had to let it go. Other than that wasted year, I have continued to use it. I've been to one of their workshops and it was so much FUN! I wish all of my workshops were run this way. I was never bored and engaged the whole time. If I were an upper grade teacher, I'd probably use all of the time. The YouTube videos help, too. It shows how teachers have tailor fit the program to their personalities. The kids teaching each other part is fun for them and me. I love listening to them explain to their thinking partners.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it is easy and fun. Go to their website and give it a try!
I too use certain parts of WBT. We recite our rules...which I tailored to fit my needs everyday with hand motions. I really believe that this helps to reinforce the rules and keep them in their heads. I also use the hands and eyes, mirror, and teach..ok. I honestly just looked at the WBT website and all the you tube videos and went from there. They also have an awesome online discussion forum where you can ask questions and get great ideas!
ReplyDeleteGrowing Up Teaching
I love my WBT strategies. Every year I try to do something more. They just had the BIG WBT conference in Louisiana. I really wanted to go... but I have found many great blogs connecting WBT teachers. I found this earlier today. I watch the videos and webinars available on the WBT website. I love the repetition, excitement and positive way whole brain works. I was frustrated with some of my kids this year and I showed them this video. "See" I point out "those children love their dear teacher, because noone is HURTING another at the rug - and we have lots of space - they are squished!" aarggh, next year will be better, next year will be better :) Good luck
ReplyDeleteI may or may not have watched this video while stuck in traffic on the way to school one morning... and I was so inspired that I started implementing some of the strategies that day. My EIP math teacher asked what was up with the "mirror thing" and so I told her about the morning commute inspiration. The kids were listening, and they wanted to see these awesomely behaved children that I was talking about... so I showed them the video. They were super inspired, too. I'm starting it from day one next year!
ReplyDeleteWhole Brain teaching is AMAZING! I just went to the conference in Louisiana and it truly is an amazing concept. I encourage you to look at everything on the website and incorporate it fully (even the behavior system) I did it this year and it worked WONDERS in my room!! It is definitely something of the future and I am glad to be part of the grassroots beginning. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI started using Whole Brain Teaching towards the end of last school year to see how the students would respond and they picked up so quick! This year I'm going all in and am so excited! Good luck and can't wait to hear how it goes :)
ReplyDeleteWhole brain Teaching is awesome! You will be amazed at how engaged the students are !
ReplyDeleteLove this tif!!! I'm interested!!! Let's talk more!!! Holly