I am at the Ohio eTech conference in Columbus, Ohio. It is AMAZING!!! I presented today at noon. It was AWESOME!!!
Our session title was It Takes a Village: Innovative Ways to Collaborate!
So, of course we had to talk about teacher blogs!!! Here is our business card that we passed out to everyone! You can use this QR code to go to the sessions Wiki that we created with all the innovative ways to collaborate on it. Use the Wiki to make comments add to what we have.... Teacher Bloggers are  the best collaboraters their are!!
SO, play along and go to the wiki and help us create an even better resource for everyone!!!
If you don't have a QR reader: www.ittakesavillage2012.wikispaces.com
Here we are with the sign outside the room where we presented. It is so big there are about 100 different rooms and areas you had to locate to go to sessions.



  1. Wow! Great job! My principal was at the conference yesterday presenting. I was presenting last week at Reading Recovery. It's quite a thrill! Congratulations!

  2. I so desperately wanted to attend your presentation!! I had to go to another though :( The conference was AWESOME!!

  3. Thanks so much! It's rare for us down here in the dayton area to get to go to any conferences anymore due to budgets. So we decided to go around the system and see if we could present and it worked.


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